KZNFPA Core Focus Areas

  1. Fire Protection Associations: assist with strategic policy, planning and integrated fire management principles at a local level. Strategic importance of FPA’s being at the coalface with landowners / communal landowners regarding integrated fire management principles with the environmental, biodiversity and fire ecology matters being key
  2. Business Development: assist with and co-ordinate projects & initiatives to encourage all land users (state, private & community) and the general public i.r.o. their general awareness, responsibility and contributions to integrated fire management.
  3. Detection, Dispatch, Weather & Reporting: work closely with service providers in developing, implementing and assisting with the delivery of cost effective fire management tools & reports (SAWS, Vital Fire Weather etc)
  4. Ground Resources: monitor, evaluate and interact with all agencies that are able to provide ground resources to ensure a well co-ordinated approach to veld & forest fire management.
  5. Aerial Support: review current strategies and operational plans and ensure more detailed and ongoing operational and support function to the client base, as well as how best facilitate and assist with community areas impacted by wildfire.
  6. Training: to facilitate common training and training standards for all stakeholders
  7. Monitoring & Evaluation: to monitor and evaluate performance of FPA’s, state and community structures to ensure adequate mitigation strategies and measures are established and implemented
  8. Research & Development: to review, monitor and research best technology and practices which can be applied for the betterment of a fully integrated fire management protocol.

Get in touch

We are available via Facebook or on the number 0861 KZNFPA (596 372)